Attorney Jason Holladay

Truck Accidents

Trucking Company Liability Accidents

Trucking Company Liability for Accidents and Injuries The most common cause of truck crashes in the United States is truck driver error. This means that negligent truck drivers are often found to be liable for the injuries and losses of accident victims. However, truck drivers might have limited insurance coverage, and policy limits restrict the amount of compensation available to…

Texas 18 Wheeler Crashes

18 Wheeler Crashes on Texas Highways 18 Wheeler Crashes Are More Common Than You Think The last thing you expect when trying to get across the Lone Star State on the highway is to be in an accident with an 18-wheeler, but these accidents happen more than you might think. The 18 wheeler crashes attorneys at Holladay Law Firm are…

Spring Texas Traffic Accidents

Two Common Reasons For Spring Texas traffic Accidents Working with an attorney is the best way to accurately know your rights Driving into Spring Texas traffic could sometimes be stressful and complicated. There are many people involved and many factors that can provoke an accident. If you have been injured in a traffic accident and someone else was to blame.…

Driving Next To Semi Trucks

Tips for Driving Alongside Semi-Trucks Can small vehicle drivers drive safely alongside semi-trucks without fearing accidents? Yes, they can, but truck accidents still happen. If you’re injured, learn how a Spring, TX truck accident lawyer can help you get the compensation you deserve. Did you know that annually, about 4,000 fatal accidents involving large trucks occur on our roads? These…

Residential Truck Crashes

Truck Accidents In Residential Areas If your lifestyle allows avoiding regularly using highways or interstates, you might think you’re in the clear from facing any commercial truck accidents. However, these crashes and resulting injuries can also happen in residential areas, and you should consult with a Spring, TX truck accident attorney. But if you think commercial trucking accidents in residential…

Truck Driver Fatigue

Causes of Truck Driver Fatigue When truck drivers are too tired, they can make mistakes that cause truck crashes or even fall asleep at the wheel. There are many causes of driver fatigue, and if a truck driver causes you injuries, contact a Spring, TX truck accident lawyer. Many people underestimate the dangers of driving while fatigued, including commercial truck…

Truck Crashes Liability Evidence

Evidence of Liability for Truck Crashes Truck accident claims can be more complicated than car accident cases, in part because the evidence of liability can be so complex. Speak with a Spring, TX truck accident lawyer who can help as soon as possible. Large commercial trucks are complex machines. They are much larger and heavier than regular passenger vehicles, and…

What Can Cause a Truck to Roll Over

Many factors cause fatal and injurious rollover truck accidents that lead to insurance and legal claims. But no matter the cause, you should stand up for your right to fair compensation and learn how a Spring, TX truck accident lawyer can help you. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) reports that in a recent year, over 17,000 truck rollover…