Attorney Jason Holladay

Texas Personal Injury Law Blog

What Causes Helicopter Accidents

While most people do not ride helicopters often, they are useful vehicles for tours, media use, medical emergencies, and more. Helicopters can crash like any other type of aviation vehicle, and it is important to contact a Spring, TX aviation accident lawyer for help. Besides birds, turbulent weather conditions, or other aircraft, there are seldom external obstructions in the air…

Diminished Value Claims Texas

What Are Diminished Value Claims in Texas? Property damage claims can be complicated, especially diminished value claims. Let’s say you have an auto that suffered damage in an auto wreck. You repaired the vehicle to its prior condition. In this case, you may believe that the insurer should pay you for the auto’s diminished value. This amount refers to cases…

Weather Related Accidents

Weather-Related Accidents: An Overview Each year, over 1,300 people are killed and 116,800 people are injured due to adverse road conditions. Even though the primary cause of an accident may be inclement weather, a driver can still be found liable for a crash. If you have been in a weather-related accident, the Holladay Law Firm, PLLC, is here to represent…