Some symptoms of whiplash from rear-end collisions are caused by minor accidents, personal injuries should still be a concern for those involved. Even though rear-end crashes usually occur at relatively low speeds. Most of these types of collisions do not cause serious damage to the vehicles involved. Many victims of these collisions still suffer serious injuries.
One of the common injuries caused by rear-end accidents is whiplash, which is an often misunderstood injury to the neck. The injury is caused by the neck bending forcibly forward and then backward, or vice versa. The injury can involve the muscles, discs, nerves, and tendons in the neck.
Some Common Symptoms of Whiplash from Rear-end Collisions are:
- Neck pain and stiffness
- Worsening of pain with neck movement
- Loss of range of motion in the neck
- Headaches, most often starting at the base of the skull
- Tenderness or pain in the shoulder
- Tingling or numbness in the arms
- Fatigue
- Dizziness
Some people also have:
- Blurred vision
- Ringing in the ears
- Sleep problems
- Irritability
- Memory problems
- Depression
At Holladay Law Firm, PLLC, we help whiplash accident victims to obtain the fullest compensation possible for their injuries.
How Much Is My Whiplash Case Worth?
How much compensation you can receive for whiplash depends on several factors that we can discuss in a consultation. However, in general, the severity of your injury directly correlates with the damages you may recover. From the insurance company of the person who caused the accident or by pursuing a personal injury lawsuit.
Car accidents that left only scrapes and bruises and some damage to your rear bumper will have a smaller payout. The high-speed crash that totaled your car and had you hospitalized for days will have a higher payout. Whiplash tends to fall in the middle, as it is a serious injury that requires medical treatment. But there is no need for hospitalization or life-saving care.
It is important that you see a medical professional right away because of injuries to the soft tissue of the neck, upper back, and shoulders can – if untreated – result in more pain and restrictions, and possibly even ultimate impairment. We can help you seek compensation for all of your whiplash-related medical expenses from the person who caused your accident.

What We Can Do for You?
When you contact us, we will assess your case and give you guidance on the best way forward. Once we establish that you have a whiplash case that can be successfully pursued, we can do any number of things for you as we seek maximum compensation for you.
This includes gathering the necessary evidence to make sure we have a solid and strong case for you. Having a strong case means you may be able to recover compensation for:
- Having your vehicle repaired or replaced
- Arranging for a rental vehicle for your use while your car is being repaired
- Costs and expenses related to your hospitalization, if you were hospitalized or saw a doctor after the whiplash accident
- The cost of any outpatient medical care you may have received
- Medication to manage your pain and other necessary prescription drugs
- Costs for rehabilitation and physical therapy
- Lost income and wages for any missed work; and
- Pain and suffering damages.
Should I claim for a whiplash injury?
Whiplash is an injury commonly caused by rear-end car collisions, which cause the rapid back and forth movement or jerking of the neck. Whiplash injuries can be serious, and all require medical attention, regardless of how minor the accident seems.
If the accident was caused by someone who was negligent, then the injured person is entitled to pursue a personal injury claim against the person who caused the accident.
If you suffered a whiplash injury caused by an accident in which you were not at fault, chances are an insurance adjuster from the insurance company that provides insurance for the driver at fault will call you if they haven’t already.
You should not talk to them because these are trained professionals whose basic objective is to settle an insurance claim for as close to zero as possible. Rather, you should have an experienced personal injury lawyer handle the claim for you, as they know how to deal with these insurance companies to get the most compensation for your injuries.
Should the insurance company not make an offer to settle the claim that is fair and reasonable under the facts and circumstances of your case, your personal injury lawyer will advise you to take the case to court, where a judge or jury will determine what is fair and reasonable compensation for your injuries.

How long do whiplash injuries take to heal?
How long whiplash injuries take to heal depends on each individual case and how serious the injury is. If the whiplash was relatively minor, then you might expect the whiplash symptoms to last a few days. However, if the whiplash injury was serious enough to require emergency treatment, then it might not completely heal for several weeks and, in some cases, for months. Some people have whiplash complications that continue for several months or even years.
Whiplash symptoms you should watch for after a car accident include the following:
- Loss of range of motion in the neck area
- Neck pain and stiffness
- Headaches at the base of the skull area
- Worsening and reactive pain with neck movement
- Pain in the shoulder area, upper back, or arms
- Tingling or numbness in the arms
- Fatigue or dizziness
Can whiplash cause brain injury?
Yes. If the force of the whiplash from an accident is serious enough to cause the brain to slam into the wall of the skull, then the result would be a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Symptoms of TBI include the following:
- Loss of consciousness that lasts from a few minutes to
- Headaches that get progressively worse
- Vomiting or nausea that happens repeatedly
- Seizures or convulsions
- Fluids coming out of the nose or ears
- Dilation of one or both pupils of the eye
- Difficulty in waking up from sleep

How much will I get for a whiplash injury?
How much you can get from your whiplash injury depends on the severity of your injury but, generally, you should get compensation for all medical bills you incurred because of the injury, lost wages for time off work because of the injury, and a certain amount for pain and suffering, which depends on each individual case and circumstances.
If you have suffered a whiplash injury, contact us today for a free case review.
Call a Spring, TX Car Accident Lawyer Today
If you have whiplash caused by a rear-end collision in or near the Spring, Tomball, or Houston, Texas area, the Holladay Law Firm can help you. Give us a call today at 1-800-900-3319 or contact us online, and we can explain what we might do for you.