Do You Need an Attorney for a Car Accident Injury Claim?

After a car accident, you might wonder whether it is necessary or beneficial to hire a car accident lawyer. In most cases, the answer is yes, as a lawyer can protect your rights and deal with insurers on your behalf.
Have you suffered injuries in a car accident? If so, are you trying to decide whether or not to hire an attorney for your injury claim? Our legal team represents victims of car accidents and other personal injuries, and we are ready to help. We know that making the decision about hiring an attorney can be difficult in an already stressful time, but always remember the benefits of using an experienced lawyer for your injury claim.
We Protect Your Rights During Settlement Negotiations
Most car accident cases are able to be resolved out of court in settlement negotiations, often directly with the insurance company. If there are any disagreements about how much money should be offered in a settlement negotiation, your attorney should know how to support and prove the full amount that you deserve. Your lawyer can help with preserving your rights during negotiations, so you don’t get taken advantage of and end up with a much lower settlement than you need.
Insurance Companies Will Undermine Your Claim
Insurance companies always search for ways to minimize the amount they have to pay out on injury claims. They will do everything possible to either avoid paying a claim altogether, or at least to make sure that you get less than what is owed to you. Your lawyer can help protect against this, which means getting more compensation or benefits for you and protecting your rights under an insurance company’s policies.
A Lawyer Can Fight Powerful Insurance Companies
Many insurance companies have very powerful teams of investigators and attorneys who are out to take advantage of and intimidate you. This is why many people decide to hire a lawyer who can stand up against this kind of pressure on behalf of their clients. The last thing you need to deal with is insurer tricks and tactics – and you might not even know how to respond – so you should leave that task to an experienced attorney who knows how to play hardball and can file a lawsuit in civil court if needed.
Representing Yourself Can Be Difficult if You’re Dealing with Injuries
If you’re dealing with injuries, it can be very difficult to do even the simple tasks that were once routine. This is another reason why many people will hire a lawyer when they need help in an injury claim. You can focus on your physical recovery while a legal professional handles every step of the insurance claim or injury lawsuit process.
Contact a Car Accident Lawyer Today
If you’re thinking about hiring a car accident attorney following your crash and injuries, you have nothing to lose by calling our law office for a free consultation. We can evaluate whether you have a valid case and explain our services to you in detail.
At the Holladay Law Firm, PLLC, we represent car crash victims dealing with a wide range of injuries and losses. Contact us today to request a free case review and learn how we might help you.