National Work Zone Awareness Week

Driving through construction zones is never fun, but it is also dangerous. National Work Zone Awareness Week tries to educate drivers and road crews on how to stay safe, and anyone injured in a crash should contact a Spring, TX personal injury attorney.
Construction can slow down traffic and frustrate drivers, though it is necessary to improve and maintain our roads and even build new and expanded ones. While drivers and construction crews must sometimes coexist, they can often present the risk of accidents and injuries for both motorists and work zone crews alike. If you were injured in a work zone crash, do not hesitate to discuss a possible case with a Spring, TX personal injury attorney.
Spreading Safety Awareness
In order to best protect everyone, the federal National Safety Council and the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) are observing National Work Zone Awareness Week from April 26 to April 30, 2021. TxDOT reports that:
- There are about 3,400 active road work zones throughout the state at any given time
- About 22,000 crashes took place in work zones in 2020
- At least 680 people sustained severe injuries in work zone crashes
- 186 people died from crash-related injuries
- 147 of the fatalities were drivers or vehicle passengers
- 35 cyclists and pedestrians died in work zone accidents
- Four construction workers deaths were reported due to vehicle accidents
These numbers represented a nine percent increase from the previous year, and transportation authorities are seeking to decrease the number of crashes, injuries, and deaths by spreading awareness of safe work zone practices.
Driving Through Work Zones
Many accidents happen because of negligent drivers who are passing through road construction zones and crash. These zones can have many hazards, including narrower lanes, lane mergers, bumps and uneven pavement, heavy barriers, and construction equipment. It is important for drivers to:
- Pay attention to all signs and follow their instructions
- Slow down as soon as they learn they are approaching a work zone and stay within the posted work zone speed limit
- Avoid distractions and pay attention to traffic, changing conditions, and potential obstacles
- Make sure they have enough time to account for possible construction delays, so they are not tempted to speed or drive aggressively
- Keep space between vehicles, as vehicles might need to make sudden stops, and rear-end crashes are common
- Stay aware of road crews, as they have little to no protection from impacts except for a hard hat
While you cannot control the actions of other drivers, you can be sure that you are not negligent while driving through a work zone.
TxDOT Responsibilities
Drivers are not the only ones who cause work zone crashes, as construction crews can also be negligent and lead to accidents. Some responsibilities of workers include:
- Making sure drivers have ample warnings of upcoming work zones
- Making sure all directive signs are posted and clearly visible
- Not leaving equipment or materials in the roadway
- Being careful when entering or exiting the roadway in large vehicles
- Directing traffic properly
Contact a Spring, TX Personal Injury Lawyer Today
Even with extensive safety awareness, accidents will still happen in work zones. If you suffer injuries, a Spring, TX personal injury attorney from the Holladay Law Firm can help. Call 1-800-900-3319 or contact us online for your free consultation today.