Filing an Insurance Claim after a Motorcycle Crash

Motorcycle accidents are some of the most dangerous accidents on our roads, and if another motorist leaves you injured in such an accident, obtaining compensation through an insurance claim is essential to your ability to fully recover.
There’s no better way to enjoy yourself than getting out on your motorcycle, and Texas is a great state for riding. Motorcycle accidents, on the other hand, are exceptionally dangerous and can disrupt the course of your life in only a moment. If another motorist’s negligence leaves you injured in a motorcycle accident, reach out to an experienced Spring, Texas, personal injury lawyer today.
The Insurance Company
If you’ve been injured by another motorist’s negligence, you’ll need to file a claim with the at-fault party’s insurance company. While the insurance company is paid to cover your damages, it’s important to recognize that the process of obtaining the compensation to which you are entitled is likely to be time-consuming, and it’s in the best interest of you and your case to consult with a skilled personal injury attorney.
The insurance company is in the business of making money, and toward this end, they have multiple ways of attempting to thwart or minimize your motorcycle accident claim, including all of the following:
- Denying that their policyholder is the at-fault party or otherwise denying your claim
- Stalling the claims process and/or making the claims process unnecessarily complicated in an attempt to wear you down and/or cause you to give up
- Making an early settlement offer that doesn’t begin to cover the full range of losses you will ultimately suffer
The insurance company is not on your side, and you are ill-advised to proceed as if it is.
While the insurance company is very likely to request that you provide an official statement about the accident that left you injured, the law does not require you to do so, and you’re far better off allowing your dedicated personal injury attorney to provide the insurance company with the information it needs on your behalf. Insurance representatives are adept at getting statements from vulnerable accident victims (like you) that go on to damage their claims, so proceeding with caution is always advised.
Bringing Your Most Persuasive Claim
After a motorcycle accident and injuries, you have a difficult path toward recovery ahead, but there are several things that you can do to help yourself and your case in the process. These include:
- Seek the medical attention that you need, and if you’re offered emergency care at the scene of the accident, accept it.
- Don’t talk about the accident at the scene because anything you say can come back to haunt your claim. For example, saying I’m sorry is only natural – because, of course, you’re sorry that the accident happened – but the insurance company can use this statement as indicative of fault. If the police question you, however, you should answer the questions you’re asked (and only the questions you’re asked) with succinct, truthful responses. Don’t elaborate.
- Follow your doctor’s recommendations carefully. It’s not only important for your health but also to demonstrate that you take your injuries as seriously as you expect the insurance company to take them.
- Stay away from social media for the time being. Insurance companies are on the make for any information they can dig up on claimants that can be used to somehow discredit their claims, and social media posts can be used against you.
Seeking Damages
When you’re on your motorcycle, you have nothing other than your helmet and any other protective gear to shield you from the impact of an accident, which leaves you especially vulnerable to serious injuries. Damages related to a serious motorcycle accident can be extensive, including all of the following:
- Medical Costs – Your medical bills can range from emergency services through surgery, a hospital stay, treatment from doctors and specialists, physical therapy, rehabilitation, and much more. Serious injuries are also more likely to foster secondary health concerns that can lead to ongoing healthcare needs and can thwart your recovery.
- Lost Earnings – A significant injury can lead to a significant amount of time off the job and attendant lost wages. If your injuries lead to long-term consequences, you could even face a decrease in your earning potential into the future.
- Pain and Suffering – The pain and suffering – both physical and emotional – associated with a terrifying motorcycle accident can be immense and should receive the attention and compensation it deserves.
An Experienced Spring, Texas, Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help
If another motorist leaves you injured in a motorcycle accident, R. Jason Holladay at Holladay Law Firm in Spring, Texas, is a personal injury attorney committed to engaging his considerable skill and experience in defense of your rights and in pursuit of the compensation to which you’re entitled. For a free consultation, please don’t hesitate to contact us online or call us at 1-800-900-3319 today.