Safe Driving Tips for the Holiday Travel Season

With the holiday season just around the corner, people throughout Texas and across the country are getting ready to hit the road to spend Thanksgiving with family and friends. As with any holiday travel season, this means that Texas roads and highways are going to be crowded, and the more drivers there are on the road, the more accidents are likely to occur. If you plan on traveling next week, take a look at this list of safe driving tips to help you avoid a preventable car accident and reach your destination without incident.
Be flexible. If possible, you may wish to avoid leaving during peak traffic hours. The afternoon and evening before Thanksgiving Day are sure to be incredibly busy, so consider leaving sooner to beat some of the rush.
Perform a maintenance check on your vehicle. Many auto accidents are caused by preventable vehicle maintenance failures. Before you hit the road, it is important to perform a check of your car’s engine, fluids, tires, brakes, windshield wipers, headlights, and signals to ensure that everything is in good working order. If anything needs to be replaced or repaired, be sure to do so before you begin your trip.
Be patient. Holiday traffic can be frustrating, but don’t let it turn you into an aggressive driver. Be patient and avoid the temptation to speed, tailgate, or make unsafe passes and lane changes. It isn’t worth the risk to yourself, your passengers, and others to shave a few minutes off of your drive.
Take rest breaks. If you have a long trip ahead of you, be sure to take regular rest breaks to avoid becoming fatigued. Try to stop at least every hour or two to stretch your legs, get some fresh air, and have a snack to keep yourself fresh and alert.
Designate a driver. Alcohol-related crashes tend to spike during the holiday season. If you plan to consume alcohol, be sure to designate a driver if you need to go anywhere.
We hope you find these tips helpful and that you and your family enjoy a very happy and safe Thanksgiving weekend!
If you have been injured in an auto accident and have questions about how to pursue compensation, we invite you to contact Holladay Law Firm, PLLC to schedule a complimentary legal consultation. Our car accident lawyer in Spring, TX, Texas charges nothing for his services unless he wins your case! Get started when you call 1-800-900-3319.